INVESTIGATIVE REPORT - Part Three: Covid-19 Epidemiology and the Politics of Deception
The Known Epidemiology of Covid-19 versus 'The Covid Scare'
PART THREE: the Epidemiology of Sars-CoV-2 – Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 — defined as the causal agent of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
This false construct from our federal agencies that this is a pandemic that the unvaccinated are spreading is a pathophysiological lie.1
The vaccinated are carrying high volumes in their nose, their tears, their mouth, of the virus, because the [shot] does not neutralize in that location of the body where the virus comes in … this is why mandates are absolutely now moot, irrelevant and out the window, and need to go away worldwide like most of the world has done already. - Dr. Ryan Cole, January 25, 2022.
The relevant medical facts show that the 2020 Covid-19 season, when compared to prior seasonal flu seasons, had an increased mortality risk for only 1 percent of the population. In particular, the very old and very sick, many who were also isolated in nursing homes — and posed little increased risk to anyone else. The virus is real, the Covid-19 Scare is fiction.
For illustration, please review the following data from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC) – all-cause mortality rates in BC 2009-2020 – showing that the 2009 and 2017 flu seasons led to higher mortality rates than during the “Covid-19 pandemic” in 2020.
Figure 2 – Official data from the BC CDC: All-Cause Mortality in BC 2009-2020 – showing that the 2009 and 2017 flu seasons had higher mortality than the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
Here we have data showing the number of Hospitalizations and Hospitalizations with Intensive Care (ICU) in British Columbia from January 1, 2015 - March 31, 2021. This data clearly shows that the “pandemic” in 2020-21 did not lead to an exceptional number of hospitalizations or ICU cases. In fact, the numbers for 2020-2021, in both categories, are the lowest among the six years surveyed.
Figure 3 - Hospitalizations and Hospitalizations with Intensive Care in British Columbia from January 1, 2015 - March 31, 2021. Data obtained via FOI Request - HTH-2021-13906.
Next, data from Health Canada on Covid-19 age-related risk factors for Canada as of December 31, 2021, followed by a chart showing similar data for BC as of September 2021.
Figure 4 - Health Canada’s own data shows that the risk to children and youth (< Age 20) is statistically 0.0%, and minimal for what is far and away the largest demographic — the working-age population (<Age 65), a point made clearer in the data below showing rates per 1.0 million population for BC.
Figure 6 – BC CDC data: Risk Factors for Severe Covid (captured September 15, 2021), which also shows that the risk to children and youth in the province is statistically 0.0%, and minimal, 0.01%, for the working-age population (< Age 65).
The Covid Scare is based on an imposed narrative blown up out all proportion by a complicit media, not the actual epidemiological data. Why? To provide justification for the unprecedented abrogation of citizens civil rights in the largest and most insidious power grab in human history? If so, are we now in a permanent “state of emergency”, following the imposition of a radical new governance model in the name of “bio-security and health”?
We have known the truth about Covid-19 for well over a year, but stating these facts could get a person banned from Facebook, shut down on YouTube and Twitter, and derided as a dangerous ‘conspiracy theorist’, or more recently as part of a “small fringe minority of people holding unacceptable views.”
The esteemed John Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine (Stanford Prevention Research), of Epidemiology and Population Health and by courtesy, of Statistics and of Biomedical Data Science, weighed-in early on The Covid Scare. By his account, employing statistically relevant samples and using serum antibody tests rather than hocus-pocus PCR tests, the 2020 Covid season was akin to a statistically normal flu season for the vast majority (>99 percent) of people. The people hit hardest were less than 1 percent of the population – the very old and very sick many who were isolated in nursing homes. Moreover, isolation, more than anything else, appears to have increased their risk.
Public health officials and journalists credited masks, lockdowns, and social distancing not only for limiting the spread but also for the mysterious disappearance of the flu.1 Critics of of these restrictions pointed out that the flu also disappeared in places like Sweden, which did not have lockdowns, mask mandates, or social distancing rules.
In a recent report Jules Ruechel commented that it was “particularly embarrassing for those cheerleading all these heavy-handed measures is that the flu disappeared several months before the first mask mandate was imposed”, as demonstrated in the next chart showing influenza cases in Canada. He added dates to the charts to show when mask recommendations and mask mandates were first rolled out, adding that it was “rather obvious that they had nothing whatsoever to do with why the flu disappeared.”
Clearly, we need to look elsewhere to explain the mystery of the disappearing flu.
Figure 7 - Circulation of influenza viruses in Canada. The flu disappeared in Canada by March 30th, 2020. The first mask recommendation in Canada was made 2 months later on May 20th, 2020; prior to that date masks were actively discouraged by health officials. The first mask mandate in Canada was imposed on July 18th, 2020, in the province of Quebec, four months after the disappearance of the flu. (Ruechel, 2022)
Two plausible albeit non-exhaustive scenarios for the disappearance of the flu globally from March of 2020 to late 2021 are: a) the viral interference/displacement effect, or b) with the CDC having withdrawn the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Covid-19 RT-PCR test (effective December 31, 2021), the issue of its reliability and real rate of false-positives.
Regardless, according to Professor Ioannidis, the median infection to fatality rate (IFR) for those under 70 years old ranged between .0027 and .59 percent. For the small percentage of the population who were over 70, already very ill, and isolated in nursing homes, the risk presented by Covid-19 was very real: 2.7 percent.
Thus, out of every one hundred very old, very sick, and very isolated people who contracted Covid-19, three died. This figure may still be overstated because we have never before so closely examined the lethality of the seasonal flu on the elderly. Nevertheless, these are very real deaths of very real people. And at the same time, this is not the story of an extraordinarily dangerous "pan"-demic.
The fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) keeps redefining the term "pandemic," should also tell us something about the situation we find ourselves in.
Final remarks, both spoken and written, go to our esteemed Professor Ioannidis, from back in April of 2020!
Dr. Ioannidis told the public the truth about the epidemiology and real risks of Covid-19 very early-on, but he was ignored. His courage, integrity, and scientific rigour should now be lauded and applauded. It is certainly high time for politicians and public health officials to stop ignoring him and start listening to him. He was right, you were wrong.
Figure 8: Age Stratification of Overall Deaths in Canada (2018-19) and Covid-19 Deaths (2020-21), per 100,000 population
Concluding Remarks - “a collapse of trust in democracies”
All in all, it should be no surprise that the Edelman Trust Barometer report for 2022 revealed a world “ensnared in a vicious cycle of distrust, fuelled by a growing lack of faith in media and government. Through disinformation and division, these two institutions are feeding the cycle and exploiting it for commercial and political gain”.
The Edelman Trust Barometer, which for two decades has polled thousands of people on their trust in core institutions, found 57% of people believe government leaders, business chiefs and journalists are spreading falsehoods or exaggerations.
“We have a leadership crisis,” Richard Edelman, whose Edelman communications group produces the survey, said at a Reuters Next conference held after the reports release. Edelman warned that: “The public has become widely aware that the media does not play it straight,” and “We really have a collapse of trust in democracies.”
The hissing sound you hear is the sound of political legitimacy escaping from the institutions that, bloated with too much power and too little accountability, are beginning to deflate in the face of widespread popular unrest. At this point, it is not clear what will happen to the truckers in Ottawa with the recent invocation of Part II of the Emergencies Act by the federal government.
Perhaps the government, having speciously labeled peaceful political protest and dissent a “threat to the security of Canada”, will manage to defuse or even crush this upsurge of discontent. If so, will the discontent simply dissipate, or will it morph into the political arena?
Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. — Vaclav Havel
End Notes:
See Herby, Jonas & Jonung, Lars & Hanke, Steve, 2022. "A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality," Studies in Applied Economics 200, The Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise.
This meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.
See: Subramanian SV, Kumar A. Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States.
European Journal of Epidemiology. 2021 Dec; 36 (12): 1237-1240. doi: 10.1007/s10654-021-00808-7. Epub 2021 Sep 30. PMID: 34591202; PMCID: PMC8481107.
“At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.” [emphasis added]
Fig. 1
From: Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States as of September 3, 2021.